Friday, April 2, 2021

Rikki Tikki Tavi directed by Chuck Jones

The movie Rikki Tikki Tavi, directed by Chuck Jones is, in my opinion, as delightful as the written story. The storyline is mostly the same. There are a few differences, however that I noticed. Not large enough to change the story as a whole, though. One small difference is that when Rikki Tikki is found after having crawled out of the river half choked, Teddy, his young human friend, and Teddy's mother Alice find him in the written story. In the animated movie, it is Teddy and his father who find him. Other than that, there are few other deviations between the movie and written story. The animation is fun, the colors are bright, and Rikki Tikki's characterization, including his expressions are well done, making him endearing to the audience, especially to children.
As in the written story, Nag and Nagaina, male and female cobras try to ambush Rikki, but he is saved by the warning of a pair of Taylor birds. Later, Rikki confronts and defeats Karait, another snake after Karait threatens Teddy. But Rikki still has Nag and Nagaina to deal with, and when Chuchundra, the muskrat fearfully warns Rikki that the two cobras are trying to get into the house, Rikki knows he doesnt have much time! The DVD version that I watched also had a bonus story, Yankee Doodle Cricket, which I thought was also well done. The animated version of Rikki Tikki Tavi, directed by Chuck Jones and based on the story by the same name by Rudyard Kipling was published in 1975.

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