'Curtis Cesspooch, chairman of the Ute Tribe's Business Committee, said he knew Yazzie well enough to know he was a good man with a young family.
"Things that happen in life can be so unexpected, at anytime we can lose good people. Josh was one of those good people," said Cesspooch….
...Ute Tribe emergency management director Misty Bruns called Yazzie "one of the nicest people you would ever meet." He was always fair and professional, and he treated others with respect, she said.
"He was always one of the first people to show up when help was needed," Bruns said...
He is survived by his wife, Jessica; two children, Jaxsen and MaCee; parents Robert and Joan Yazzie; five siblings and many other relatives.'
His obituary can be found here: www.hullingermortuary.com/obituaries.htmlOfficer Yazzie was a good man, and it is sad to see such a person who has done so much good, taken from the earth. There is a shortage of honorable men in this world, and Officer Yazzie was an honorable man. May he rest in peace.