Holes (c) 1998 by Louis Sachar |
I recently finished a really enjoyable book, which was made into an equally enjoyable movie.
Holes by
Louis Sachar gives us the story of Stanley Yelnats IV, who, because of his no-good-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather, has had bad luck all his life, just like his dad, grandpa, greatgrandpa, and great great grandpa. His great great grandpa, Elya Yelnats, being upset because he was thwarted in love, forgot to carry Madam Zeroni up the mountain so she could drink from the stream up there. He up and went to America, forgetting his promise. And as a result, he and his decendants have had bad luck all their lives. His son, the first Stanley Yelnats was robbed by Kissin' Kate Barlow, and later, his great great grandson Stanley is convicted for a crime he didn't commit! Finding himself at Camp Greenlake and required to dig one hole every day, five feet wide and five feet deep, Stanley doesn't think things can get any worse, and that they can never get better. But he's wrong, both times! After meeting X-Ray, Armpit, Squid, ZigZag, Magnet, and especially Zero, Stanley, also known to his new friends as Caveman, realizes his adventures are just beginning!
If you enjoy funny mysteries for young people that also make you think, I highly recommend both the book and the movie!
The book
Holes by
Louis Sachar was first published in 1998, and the movie
Holes directed by Andrew Davis and put out by Disney, came out in 2003.
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