Sunday, September 30, 2018

Candy Shop War: Arcade Catastrophy by Brandon Mull

The Candy Shop War: Arcade Catastrophe
(c) 2012 by Brandon Mull
Candy Shop War: Arcade Catastrophe by Brandon Mull continues the story of Nate, Summer, Trevor, Pigeon, and their new friend Lindy, as they investigate a new Arcade in town, Arcade Land, which seems to be linked to the disappearance of Mozag and John Dar, who have been policing the magical community for misbehaving magicians. When they discover that the own of Arcade Land is Jonas White, the brother of their last nemesis, Belinda White, they realize that things are even more dangerous than they first appeared. With Jonas White wanting to recruit kids to help him collect magical items for some sinister scheme, will the kids be able to work together to defeat him? Read the book, and find out!
Kids and adults who enjoy magical adventures will enjoy reading this book!

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