Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Daughters of Jared by H. B. Moore

Daughters of Jared by H.B. Moore (c) 2012
Already a fan of Heather Moore's work, I knew I could expect a really good story when I read Daughters of Jared. But this book truly amazed me. This was a masterfully written story, filled with suspense, intrigue, and a very satisfying romance! 

Naiva was a wonderfully written character, very believable and sympathetic, and Levi was absolutely great in so many ways. I love stories where the hero is such a well-written character as Levi is. I liked him, right from the beginning. 

Akish, of course, was as bad as I expected. I was already familiar with Akish's story, and knew what would happen to his son, but reading the story here, tore my heart out. Poor Shez. Even so, I absolutely loved the ending. Once again, Heather Moore has done a terrific job bringing events of the Book of Mormon and the people in it to life, and telling a plausible tale of what may have been. I loved this book, and I heartily recommend it!

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